UIF Flight Team

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UIF Flight Team

Flying Around In San Andreas

    UFT history


    Posts : 39
    Reputation : 2
    Join date : 2011-12-24

    UFT history Empty UFT history

    Post  Portal Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:37 am


    On June 2011 , Ah_Long Was Making Flights In UIF Also Known As United Islands Freeroam, And This Newbie "Portal" Teleported To Ah_Long's Flight. Portal Was Amazed And Started To Copy Ah_Long's Flights. Portal Called Players And They Fly To Every Corner Of San Andreas, Until This Guy Named "Undercover" Teleported To Portal, Portal is Newbie Driver Of A Plane And Keeps On Crashing... Soon, No Mere Player Came To Him, But Undercover Still Tests This "Portal" Undercover Knew Some Spots At San Andreas To Land With With The AT-400 Plane Therefore, Portal was a StundentOf Undercover.

    Couple Of Days Later, Ah_Long Onlined Then Portal Introduced Undercover To Ahlong. Portal Said Everything That
    Undercover Tough Him. The Three Airplane Flyers Soon Became Popular And Expanded More Players And More, Therefore , Ahlong Became The Leader Of UFT. Undercover and Portal Named UFT. Sooner Ahlong Passed Its Leader Ship To Portal.. NOW. Undercover Is The Leader Of UFT. And UFT is Now Popular And Has Expanded More Members Than Before!

    On August 2011
    UFT Made A War With CHK But It Was Only A Day.. All CHK Was Washed Out.. Thats The Cause Of UnExist To CHK Today.

    Around The End Of September 2011
    UFT And BMX Were Best Brothers In UIF Clan History. Some BMX Ridiculed Our UFT Mates. We Attacked Them Suprisingly They Were Winning Each Day
    Of Battle. We Lost In 5 Battles DUE TO 50 MEMBERS OF BMX. One Glorious Day. We Think Of A Battle Strategy Then Attacked Them Again In The Next Day
    We Won. They Were All Health Hackers.. Each Day We Attack BMX We Killed Them All And Finished Them.
    This Due To The First Clan Of UIF "BMX" Was Vanished Thanks To UFT. Yes Us. (UFT Members This Days Are Old. Not The Members Today)

    October. 2011
    After BMX Was Driven , JIZZY Who Is Rising In San Fierro. We Tried To Kill Them All But We Failed. There Was No War Happened We Let JIZZY
    What They Are..

    After Few Days, I Lefted UIF For A Reason Of Exams.. I Didn't Online Since.. UFT Clan Vanished , Undercover And Ah_Long Cannot Run It Without me.
    No More UFT No More People Who Came To Join Us..

    The Return of Portal.

    I returned To UIF And Say Hi To My Friends Weew That Was A Fine Day With My Friends..
    Undercover Gave Me Bad news About UFT Gone..

    I Tried To Restore The Forums. I Stole The Leadership From Undercover Because Of Letting UFT Down Now They Let Me Run UFT And It Was Fine..
    gta6287 Asked Me To Make A Better Forums. I Accepted The Forums Was Made. We Were All Happy For gta6287's Help For UFT Going Back On The Map.

    Many Many Many Members Came To Apply, I Accepted Them.. And.

    While We Are Building The New UFT, Our New Rival Came And It Was Called UIF Airlines But We Didn't Have War.. we Are pals!

    Also! Happy Birthday UIF

    New Year!

    January 2012

    Finally! New Year !

    uifdev and billy Made Boards For Popular Clans Like NC, UIF Airlines..
    I Pm'ed uifdev For Making A Board For UFT.
    uifdev Said That All Activity Must Be On The Board. So We Did It.

    The UFT Forums Is Closed Because Of Our Own Board IN UIF Forums
    (Thanks For The Following Members Who Helped Bringing UFT Back On The Map)

    We Made Ally Contract With Strike4 UFT AND NC United..

    UIF 1st War

    UFT Got Involved On The 1st War.

    NC And UFT Vs T.G The First UIF War

    January 14 2012

    Portal Was Hanging Out With NC's Playing Roleplay Missions With Strike4
    While A T.G Saying Peace To Strike,
    I Was Very Angry At T.G's Specially Reports Came To Me Some UFT Members Got Annoyed By T.G's
    So Strike And I Decided To Decline The Request..

    NC's Such As Prince And Dark Joined T.G
    Strike Was Very Angry, We Have War. Our Forces Went To T.G Unexpectedly, But We Are Outnumbered, Im The ONly UFT and Lots oF NC's
    WE LOST Due To Our Defeat. Strike Logged Out.

    January 15, 2012

    The Second War happened.
    We And NC's Are Planning A Tactic For T.G While THE TG With 3 Cars Attacked Us And Killed Us All With Only M4 And Shotgun Equipped
    We Lost For The Second Time, Because Of The Mini Fight.

    January 16, 2012

    Many UFT Heared The situation Professional Skilled Dmers In UFT attacked T.G, UFT Won!

    Since We Were Fighting For NC , We Charged Some UFT's After gta and His men attacked T.G After The Attacked We Attack Them Again
    Many T.G logged Out And Said translated from filipino to english "im enough! i will go out and wait for this madness to finish"

    January 17, 2012

    Now, UFT And NC Are Winning T.G's Are Weakening..

    UFT Let NC Fight , We UFT Left For NC's have Fun..

    One T.G Said..

    We Surrender Please Stop The War Im Begging You Portal Please Stop

    We Still Refused Because UFT And NC's Are Very Mad.
    We Killed Her Until She Let her /God Enabled..
    After That We Left.

    January 18, 2012

    The War Finally Ended.

    T.G Made Peace With Us,
    I Accepted. All Information In This Topic = http://forum.uifserver.net/index.php/topic,6818.0.html
    UFT And NC Won..

    UFT Is The Longest Running Clan In UIF.

    United Islands Freeroam Flight Team has Been In Many Events, Situations , Wars Like This..

    January 20 2012

    LordDeath Signed In , He Was Tested And Got The Grade Of 89, The First New Member Who Became Senior Pilot In Just 1 Tests!!!
    Gratz Lord Death

    January 24 2012

    LordDeath Asked For The Outrageous Test Of All Time.. The General Pilot Position Test..
    The General Pilot Position Test Is Difficult Than The Ordinary Test.

    Must Have

    And Again LordDeath Began The Test , If He Fails His Rank Will Go Down. Depends On His Current Grade.

    LordDeath Began The Flight With Portal From Los Santos International UFT Airport To Las Venturas Train Yard International UFT Airport.
    LordDeath Successfully Finished The Flight In The Few Moments. LordDeath Began Transporting To San Fierro Beach International UFT Airport.

    We Arrived At SFBeACH

    The Final Test Was To Flight To UFT Island.

    Lord Death Won 92 Grade, The First General Pilot/New Member Senior Pilot IN THE UFT HISTORY Cheers!
    The Max Grade Of UFT is 93. The Reason He Failed To Succeed 93 Because He Only Flies On The Borders Of San Andreas.

    But He Must Fly All Over San Andreas

    The Party Was Held On /ah More Participants Even the Greatest Guest Of The Day Appeared (CacklingJack)
    Cackling Jack Also Cheered For UFT And LordDeath's Promotion.

    All Were Happy And Congrats To LordDeath.. You Made Your Clan Proud.

      Current date/time is Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:07 am